Success To Queen Caroline Pink luster pottery pitcher early 19th century


Dated: 1815 Staffordshire England

This English pottery pitcher commemorates the popular wife of King George IV, Queen Caroline. The half-bust portrait of the Queen is relief molded within an oval pink luster cartouch with a beaded border. This image is on both sides of the piece. The rim is well decorated with flowers and leaves enhanced with enamel colors.

Dimensions: 5.5 inches high

Current Condition: Good condition

Provenance: Private Collection France.

£335    $452


This English pottery pitcher commemorates the popular wife of King George IV, Queen Caroline.

The half-bust portrait of the Queen is relief molded within an oval pink luster cartouch with a beaded border. This image is on both sides of the piece. The rim is well decorated with flowers and leaves enhanced with enamel colors.