A fine solid variegated clay agateware pitcher and cover with three lion head feet. The finial on the cover is a figure of a Dog of Fo. This ware is often attributed to the Master potter Thomas Whieldon of Fenton Staffordshire.
A fine solid variegated clay agateware pitcher and cover with three lion head feet. The finial on the cover is a figure of a Dog of Fo. This ware is often attributed to the Master potter Thomas Whieldon of Fenton Staffordshire.
Dimensions: 7 inches high
Current Condition: Remarkable condition
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A fine solid variegated clay agateware pitcher and cover with three lion head feet. The finial on the cover is a figure of a Dog of Fo. This ware is often attributed to the Master potter Thomas Whieldon of Fenton Staffordshire.
Dimensions | 7 in |