Staffordshire pottery pearlware bocage miniature of the Dandies c1820

Ref: 53010 Category:


Dated: 1820 Staffordshire England

This Staffordshire pottery pearlware glazed and enamel-colored miniature bocage type group shows a pair of Dandies linking arms. The green mound-shaped base is impressed with DANDIES over a swirling leaf motif. It is attributed to the Patriot Group.    

Dimensions: 4.5 inches high 3.75 inches long

Current Condition: Restored tips of some leaves.

Literature: Figure 133.75 Page 255 Volume 3 in Staffordshire Figures 1780-1840 by Myrna Schkolne published by Schiffer.

£450    $607


This Staffordshire pottery pearlware glazed and enamel-colored miniature bocage type group shows a pair of Dandies linking arms. The green mound-shaped base is impressed with DANDIES over a swirling leaf motif. It is attributed to the Patriot Group.



Additional information

Dimensions 3.75 × 4.5 in