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Archive – Early Figures
Showing 1–12 of 1379 results
18th century creamware “Step Toby Jug” with oxide colours, Staffordshire England.
18th century English creamware bodied pottery colored underglaze figure of Shakespeare’s Ophelia
18th century hollow based pottery figure of a ram Attributed Yorkshire Pottery
18th century pottery colour glazed imposing figure of Apollo made by Ralph Wood Staffordshire
A collection of four Staffordshire models of tulips standing amongst flowers and leaves. circa 1825
A collection of Staffordshire porcelaineous Judges Wig poodles circa 1850
A good English pottery cow creamware with milkmaid circa 1810
A Nottingham brown stoneware salt glaze bear jug and cover mid 17th century
A pair of Emile Galle signed comical cats with glass eyes made in Nancy France
A rare antique Staffordshire pottery figure titled RED BARN.
A rare early Staffordshire pottery figure of a seated male bagpiper Astbury- Whieldon manner mid 18th century
A rare large scale English Parian bust of Benjamin Disraeli 1st Earl of Beaconsfield circa 1875
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