Marriage Act Staffordshire pottery pearlware bocage type group c1820


Dated: 1825 Staffordshire England

This is an unusually larger and rare version of "The New Marriage Act," a Staffordshire pearlware glazed pottery figure bocage group. The couple is modeled standing under a tree, hands clasped. The vicar is reciting from the Bible while the clerk solemnly prays a lantern by his feet. A tree trunk banner is inscribed with the couple's names: John Frill and Anne Boke. The New Marriage Act was introduced in 1823.

Dimensions: 7.5 inches high

Current Condition: Restored bocage, bible and two arms some enamels re-touched.

Literature: Myrna Schkolne Chapter 6 People , Passions, Pastimes and Pleasures, Staffordshire Figures 1810-35. The chapter is devoted to explaining the social significance of these figures related to Marraige in the early 19th century in England.

£1275    $1721


This is an unusually larger and rare version of “The New Marriage Act,” a Staffordshire pearlware glazed pottery figure bocage group. The couple is modeled standing under a tree, hands clasped. The vicar is reciting from the Bible while the clerk solemnly prays a lantern by his feet. A tree trunk banner is inscribed with the couple’s names: John Frill and Anne Boke. The New Marriage Act was introduced in 1823.

Additional information

Dimensions 7.5 in